Edit on GitHub


  1from __future__ import annotations
  3from collections.abc import Collection
  4from collections.abc import Iterable
  5from collections.abc import Mapping
  6from contextlib import contextmanager
  7import html
  8import inspect
  9import os
 10import re
 11from unittest.mock import patch
 12import warnings
 14from jinja2 import ext
 15from jinja2 import nodes
 16import pygments.formatters
 17import pygments.lexers
 20    # Jinja2 >= 3.0
 21    from jinja2 import pass_context  # type: ignore
 22except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
 23    from jinja2 import contextfilter as pass_context  # type: ignore
 25from jinja2.runtime import Context
 26from markupsafe import Markup
 28import pdoc.markdown2
 30from . import docstrings
 31from ._compat import cache
 32from ._compat import removesuffix
 34lexer = pygments.lexers.PythonLexer()
 36The pygments lexer used for pdoc.render_helpers.highlight.
 37Overwrite this to configure pygments lexing.
 40formatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(
 41    cssclass="pdoc-code codehilite",
 42    linenos="inline",
 43    anchorlinenos=True,
 46The pygments formatter used for pdoc.render_helpers.highlight.
 47Overwrite this to configure pygments highlighting of code blocks.
 49The usage of the `.codehilite` CSS selector in custom templates is deprecated since pdoc 10, use `.pdoc-code` instead.
 52signature_formatter = pygments.formatters.HtmlFormatter(nowrap=True)
 54The pygments formatter used for pdoc.render_helpers.format_signature.
 55Overwrite this to configure pygments highlighting of signatures.
 58# Keep in sync with the documentation in pdoc/__init__.py!
 59markdown_extensions = {
 60    "alerts": None,
 61    "code-friendly": None,
 62    "cuddled-lists": None,
 63    "fenced-code-blocks": {"cssclass": formatter.cssclass},
 64    "footnotes": None,
 65    "header-ids": None,
 66    "link-patterns": None,
 67    "markdown-in-html": None,
 68    "mermaid": None,
 69    "pyshell": None,
 70    "strike": None,
 71    "tables": None,
 72    "task_list": None,
 73    "toc": {"depth": 2},
 76The default extensions loaded for `markdown2`.
 77Overwrite this to configure Markdown rendering.
 79markdown_link_patterns = [
 80    (
 81        re.compile(
 82            r"""
 83            \b
 84            (
 85                (?:https?://|(?<!//)www\.)    # prefix - https:// or www.
 86                \w[\w_\-]*(?:\.\w[\w_\-]*)*   # host
 87                [^<>\s"']*                    # rest of url
 88                (?<![?!.,:*_~);])             # exclude trailing punctuation
 89                (?=[?!.,:*_~);]?(?:[<\s]|$))  # make sure that we're not followed by " or ', i.e. we're outside of href="...".
 90            )
 91        """,
 92            re.X,
 93        ),
 94        r"\1",
 95    )
 98Link pattern used for markdown2's [`link-patterns` extra](https://github.com/trentm/python-markdown2/wiki/link-patterns).
103def highlight(doc: pdoc.doc.Doc) -> str:
104    """Highlight the source code of a documentation object using pygments."""
105    if isinstance(doc, str):  # pragma: no cover
106        warnings.warn(
107            "Passing a string to the `highlight` render helper is deprecated, pass a pdoc.doc.Doc object instead.",
108            DeprecationWarning,
109        )
110        return Markup(pygments.highlight(doc, lexer, formatter))
112    # set up correct line numbers and anchors
113    formatter.linespans = doc.qualname or "L"
114    formatter.linenostart = doc.source_lines[0] + 1 if doc.source_lines else 1
115    return Markup(pygments.highlight(doc.source, lexer, formatter))
118def format_signature(sig: inspect.Signature, colon: bool) -> str:
119    """Format and highlight a function signature using pygments. Returns HTML."""
120    # First get a list with all params as strings.
121    result = pdoc.doc._PrettySignature._params(sig)  # type: ignore
122    return_annot = pdoc.doc._PrettySignature._return_annotation_str(sig)  # type: ignore
124    multiline = (
125        sum(len(x) + 2 for x in result) + len(return_annot)
126        > pdoc.doc._PrettySignature.MULTILINE_CUTOFF
127    )
129    def _try_highlight(code: str) -> str:
130        """Try to highlight a piece of code using pygments, but return the input as-is if pygments detects errors."""
131        pretty = pygments.highlight(code, lexer, signature_formatter).strip()
132        if '<span class="err">' not in pretty:
133            return pretty
134        else:
135            return html.escape(code)
137    # Next, individually highlight each parameter using pygments and wrap it in a span.param.
138    # This later allows us to properly control line breaks.
139    pretty_result = []
140    for i, param in enumerate(result):
141        pretty = _try_highlight(param)
142        if multiline:
143            pretty = f"""<span class="param">\t{pretty},</span>"""
144        else:
145            pretty = f"""<span class="param">{pretty}, </span>"""
146        pretty_result.append(pretty)
148    # remove last comma.
149    if pretty_result:
150        pretty_result[-1] = pretty_result[-1].rpartition(",")[0] + "</span>"
152    # Add return annotation.
153    anno = ")"
154    if return_annot:
155        anno += f" -> {_try_highlight(return_annot)}"
156    if colon:
157        anno += ":"
158    if return_annot or colon:
159        anno = f'<span class="return-annotation">{anno}</span>'
161    rendered = "(" + "".join(pretty_result) + anno
163    if multiline:
164        rendered = f'<span class="signature pdoc-code multiline">{rendered}</span>'
165    else:
166        rendered = f'<span class="signature pdoc-code condensed">{rendered}</span>'
168    return Markup(rendered)
172def to_html(docstring: str) -> str:
173    """
174    Convert `docstring` from Markdown to HTML.
175    """
176    # careful: markdown2 returns a subclass of str with an extra
177    # .toc_html attribute. don't further process the result,
178    # otherwise this attribute will be lost.
179    return pdoc.markdown2.markdown(  # type: ignore
180        docstring,
181        extras=markdown_extensions,
182        link_patterns=markdown_link_patterns,
183    )
187def to_markdown_with_context(context: Context, docstring: str) -> str:
188    """
189    Converts `docstring` from a custom docformat to Markdown (if necessary), and then from Markdown to HTML.
190    """
191    module: pdoc.doc.Module = context["module"]
192    docformat: str = context["docformat"]
193    return to_markdown(docstring, module, docformat)
196def to_markdown(docstring: str, module: pdoc.doc.Module, default_docformat: str) -> str:
197    docformat = getattr(module.obj, "__docformat__", default_docformat) or ""
198    return docstrings.convert(docstring, docformat, module.source_file)
201def possible_sources(
202    all_modules: Collection[str], identifier: str
203) -> Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
204    """
205    For a given identifier, return all possible sources where it could originate from.
206    For example, assume `examplepkg._internal.Foo` with all_modules=["examplepkg"].
207    This could be a Foo class in _internal.py, or a nested `class _internal: class Foo` in examplepkg.
208    We return both candidates as we don't know if _internal.py exists.
209    It may not be in all_modules because it's been excluded by `__all__`.
210    However, if `examplepkg._internal` is in all_modules we know that it can only be that option.
212    >>> possible_sources(["examplepkg"], "examplepkg.Foo.bar")
213    examplepkg.Foo, bar
214    examplepkg, Foo.bar
215    """
216    if identifier in all_modules:
217        yield identifier, ""
218        return
220    modulename = identifier
221    qualname = None
222    while modulename:
223        modulename, _, add = modulename.rpartition(".")
224        qualname = f"{add}.{qualname}" if qualname else add
225        yield modulename, qualname
226        if modulename in all_modules:
227            return
228    raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier: {identifier}")
231def split_identifier(all_modules: Collection[str], fullname: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
232    """
233    Split an identifier into a `(modulename, qualname)` tuple. For example, `pdoc.render_helpers.split_identifier`
234    would be split into `("pdoc.render_helpers","split_identifier")`. This is necessary to generate links to the
235    correct module.
236    """
237    warnings.warn(
238        "pdoc.render_helpers.split_identifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. "
239        "Use pdoc.render_helpers.possible_sources instead.",
240        DeprecationWarning,
241    )
242    *_, last = possible_sources(all_modules, fullname)
243    return last
246def _relative_link(current: list[str], target: list[str]) -> str:
247    if target == current:
248        return f"../{target[-1]}.html"
249    elif target[: len(current)] == current:
250        return "/".join(target[len(current) :]) + ".html"
251    else:
252        return "../" + _relative_link(current[:-1], target)
256def relative_link(current_module: str, target_module: str) -> str:
257    """Compute the relative link to another module's HTML file."""
258    if current_module == target_module:
259        return ""
260    return _relative_link(
261        current_module.split(".")[:-1],
262        target_module.split("."),
263    )
266def qualname_candidates(identifier: str, context_qualname: str) -> list[str]:
267    """
268    Given an identifier in a current namespace, return all possible qualnames in the current module.
269    For example, if we are in Foo's subclass Bar and `baz()` is the identifier,
270    return `Foo.Bar.baz()`, `Foo.baz()`, and `baz()`.
271    """
272    end = len(context_qualname)
273    ret = []
274    while end > 0:
275        ret.append(f"{context_qualname[:end]}.{identifier}")
276        end = context_qualname.rfind(".", 0, end)
277    ret.append(identifier)
278    return ret
281def module_candidates(identifier: str, current_module: str) -> Iterable[str]:
282    """
283    Given an identifier and the current module name, return the module names we should look at
284    to find where the target object is exposed. Module names are ordered by preferences, i.e.
285    we always prefer the current module and then top-level modules over their children.
287    >>> module_candidates("foo.bar.baz", "qux")
288    qux
289    foo
290    foo.bar
291    foo.bar.baz
292    >>> module_candidates("foo.bar.baz", "foo.bar")
293    foo.bar
294    foo
295    foo.bar.baz
296    """
297    yield current_module
299    end = identifier.find(".")
300    while end > 0:
301        if (name := identifier[:end]) != current_module:
302            yield name
303        end = identifier.find(".", end + 1)
305    if identifier != current_module:
306        yield identifier
310def linkify(
311    context: Context, code: str, namespace: str = "", shorten: bool = True
312) -> str:
313    """
314    Link all identifiers in a block of text. Identifiers referencing unknown modules or modules that
315    are not rendered at the moment will be ignored.
316    A piece of text is considered to be an identifier if it either contains a `.` or is surrounded by `<code>` tags.
318    If `shorten` is True, replace identifiers with short forms where possible.
319    For example, replace "current_module.Foo" with "Foo". This is useful for annotations
320    (which are verbose), but undesired for docstrings (where we want to preserve intent).
321    """
323    def linkify_repl(m: re.Match):
324        """
325        Resolve `text` to the most suitable documentation object.
326        """
327        text = m.group(0)
328        plain_text = text.replace(
329            '</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">', "."
330        )
331        identifier = removesuffix(plain_text, "()")
332        mod: pdoc.doc.Module = context["module"]
334        # Check if this is a relative reference. These cannot be local and need to be resolved.
335        if identifier.startswith("."):
336            taken_from_mod = mod
337            if namespace and (ns := mod.get(namespace)):
338                # Imported from somewhere else, so the relative reference should be from the original module.
339                taken_from_mod = context["all_modules"].get(ns.taken_from[0], mod)
340            if taken_from_mod.is_package:
341                # If we are in __init__.py, we want `.foo` to refer to a child module.
342                parent_module = taken_from_mod.modulename
343            else:
344                # If we are in a leaf module, we want `.foo` to refer to the adjacent module.
345                parent_module = taken_from_mod.modulename.rpartition(".")[0]
346            while identifier.startswith(".."):
347                identifier = identifier[1:]
348                parent_module = parent_module.rpartition(".")[0]
349            identifier = parent_module + identifier
350        else:
351            # Is this a local reference within this module?
352            for qualname in qualname_candidates(identifier, namespace):
353                doc = mod.get(qualname)
354                if doc and context["is_public"](doc).strip():
355                    return f'<a href="#{qualname}">{plain_text}</a>'
357        # Is this a reference pointing straight at a module?
358        if identifier in context["all_modules"]:
359            return f'<a href="{relative_link(context["module"].modulename, identifier)}">{identifier}</a>'
361        try:
362            sources = list(possible_sources(context["all_modules"], identifier))
363        except ValueError:
364            # possible_sources did not find a parent module.
365            return text
367        # Try to find the actual target object so that we can then later verify
368        # that objects exposed at a parent module with the same name point to it.
369        target_object = None
370        for module_name, qualname in sources:
371            if doc := context["all_modules"].get(module_name, {}).get(qualname):
372                target_object = doc.obj
373                break
375        # Look at the different modules where our target object may be exposed.
376        for module_name in module_candidates(identifier, mod.modulename):
377            module: pdoc.doc.Module | None = context["all_modules"].get(module_name)
378            if not module:
379                continue
381            for _, qualname in sources:
382                doc = module.get(qualname)
383                # Check if they have an object with the same name,
384                # and verify that it's pointing to the right thing and is public.
385                if (
386                    doc
387                    and (target_object is doc.obj or target_object is None)
388                    and context["is_public"](doc).strip()
389                ):
390                    if shorten:
391                        if module == mod:
392                            url_text = qualname
393                        else:
394                            url_text = doc.fullname
395                        if plain_text.endswith("()"):
396                            url_text += "()"
397                    else:
398                        url_text = plain_text
399                    return f'<a href="{relative_link(context["module"].modulename, doc.modulename)}#{qualname}">{url_text}</a>'
401        # No matches found.
402        return text
404    return Markup(
405        re.sub(
406            r"""
407            # Part 1: foo.bar or foo.bar() (without backticks)
408            (?<![/=?#&\.])  # heuristic: not part of a URL
409            # First part of the identifier (e.g. "foo") - this is optional for relative references.
410            (?:
411                \b
412                (?!\d)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
413                |
414                \.*  # We may also start with multiple dots.
415            )
416            # Rest of the identifier (e.g. ".bar" or "..bar")
417            (?:
418                # A single dot or a dot surrounded with pygments highlighting.
419                (?:\.|</span><span\ class="o">\.</span><span\ class="n">)
420                (?!\d)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
421            )+
422            (?:\(\)|\b(?!\(\)))  # we either end on () or on a word boundary.
423            (?!</a>)  # not an existing link
424            (?![/#])  # heuristic: not part of a URL
426            | # Part 2: `foo` or `foo()`. `foo.bar` is already covered with part 1.
427            (?<=<code>)
428                 (?!\d)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
429            (?:\(\))?
430            (?=</code>(?!</a>))
431            """,
432            linkify_repl,
433            code,
434            flags=re.VERBOSE,
435        )
436    )
440def link(context: Context, spec: tuple[str, str], text: str | None = None) -> str:
441    """Create a link for a specific `(modulename, qualname)` tuple."""
442    mod: pdoc.doc.Module = context["module"]
443    modulename, qualname = spec
445    # Check if the object we are interested is also imported and re-exposed in the current namespace.
446    # https://github.com/mitmproxy/pdoc/issues/490: We need to do this for every level, not just the tail.
447    doc: pdoc.doc.Doc | None = mod
448    for part in qualname.split("."):
449        doc = doc.get(part) if isinstance(doc, pdoc.doc.Namespace) else None
450        if not (
451            doc
452            and doc.taken_from[0] == modulename
453            and context["is_public"](doc).strip()
454        ):
455            break
456    else:
457        # everything down to the tail is imported and re-exposed.
458        if text:
459            text = text.replace(f"{modulename}.", f"{mod.modulename}.")
460        modulename = mod.modulename
462    if mod.modulename == modulename:
463        fullname = qualname
464    else:
465        fullname = removesuffix(f"{modulename}.{qualname}", ".")
467    if qualname:
468        qualname = f"#{qualname}"
469    if modulename in context["all_modules"]:
470        return Markup(
471            f'<a href="{relative_link(context["module"].modulename, modulename)}{qualname}">{text or fullname}</a>'
472        )
473    return text or fullname
476def edit_url(
477    modulename: str, is_package: bool, mapping: Mapping[str, str]
478) -> str | None:
479    """Create a link to edit a particular file in the used version control system."""
480    for m, prefix in mapping.items():
481        if m == modulename or modulename.startswith(f"{m}."):
482            filename = modulename[len(m) + 1 :].replace(".", "/")
483            if is_package:
484                filename = f"{filename}/__init__.py".lstrip("/")
485            else:
486                filename += ".py"
487            return f"{prefix}{filename}"
488    return None
491def root_module_name(all_modules: Mapping[str, pdoc.doc.Module]) -> str | None:
492    """
493    Return the name of the (unique) top-level module, or `None`
494    if no such module exists.
496    For example, assuming `foo`, `foo.bar`, and `foo.baz` are documented,
497    this function will return `foo`. If `foo` and `bar` are documented,
498    this function will return `None` as there is no unique top-level module.
499    """
500    shortest_name = min(all_modules, key=len, default=None)
501    prefix = f"{shortest_name}."
502    all_others_are_submodules = all(
503        x.startswith(prefix) or x == shortest_name for x in all_modules
504    )
505    if all_others_are_submodules:
506        return shortest_name
507    else:
508        return None
511def minify_css(css: str) -> str:
512    """Do some very basic CSS minification."""
513    css = re.sub(r"[ ]{4}|\n|(?<=[:{}]) | (?=[{}])", "", css)
514    css = re.sub(
515        r"/\*.+?\*/", lambda m: m.group(0) if m.group(0).startswith("/*!") else "", css
516    )
517    return Markup(css.replace("<style", "\n<style"))
521def defuse_unsafe_reprs():
522    """This decorator is applied by pdoc before calling an object's repr().
523    It applies some heuristics to patch our sensitive information.
524    For example, `os.environ`'s default `__repr__` implementation exposes all
525    local secrets.
526    """
527    with patch.object(os._Environ, "__repr__", lambda self: "os.environ"):
528        yield
531class DefaultMacroExtension(ext.Extension):
532    """
533    This extension provides a new `{% defaultmacro %}` statement, which defines a macro only if it does not exist.
535    For example,
537    ```html+jinja
538    {% defaultmacro example() %}
539        test 123
540    {% enddefaultmacro %}
541    ```
543    is equivalent to
545    ```html+jinja
546    {% macro default_example() %}
547    test 123
548    {% endmacro %}
549    {% if not example %}
550        {% macro example() %}
551            test 123
552        {% endmacro %}
553    {% endif %}
554    ```
556    Additionally, the default implementation is also available as `default_$macroname`, which makes it possible
557    to reference it in the override.
558    """
560    tags = {"defaultmacro"}
562    def parse(self, parser):
563        m = nodes.Macro(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
564        name = parser.parse_assign_target(name_only=True).name
565        m.name = f"default_{name}"
566        parser.parse_signature(m)
567        m.body = parser.parse_statements(("name:enddefaultmacro",), drop_needle=True)
569        if_stmt = nodes.If(
570            nodes.Not(nodes.Name(name, "load")),
571            [nodes.Macro(name, m.args, m.defaults, m.body)],
572            [],
573            [],
574        )
575        return [m, if_stmt]
lexer = <pygments.lexers.PythonLexer>

The pygments lexer used for pdoc.render_helpers.highlight. Overwrite this to configure pygments lexing.

formatter = <pygments.formatters.html.HtmlFormatter object>

The pygments formatter used for pdoc.render_helpers.highlight. Overwrite this to configure pygments highlighting of code blocks.

The usage of the .codehilite CSS selector in custom templates is deprecated since pdoc 10, use .pdoc-code instead.

signature_formatter = <pygments.formatters.html.HtmlFormatter object>

The pygments formatter used for pdoc.render_helpers.format_signature. Overwrite this to configure pygments highlighting of signatures.

markdown_extensions = {'alerts': None, 'code-friendly': None, 'cuddled-lists': None, 'fenced-code-blocks': {'cssclass': 'pdoc-code codehilite'}, 'footnotes': None, 'header-ids': None, 'link-patterns': None, 'markdown-in-html': None, 'mermaid': None, 'pyshell': None, 'strike': None, 'tables': None, 'task_list': None, 'toc': {'depth': 2}}

The default extensions loaded for markdown2. Overwrite this to configure Markdown rendering.

def highlight(doc: pdoc.doc.Doc) -> str:
104def highlight(doc: pdoc.doc.Doc) -> str:
105    """Highlight the source code of a documentation object using pygments."""
106    if isinstance(doc, str):  # pragma: no cover
107        warnings.warn(
108            "Passing a string to the `highlight` render helper is deprecated, pass a pdoc.doc.Doc object instead.",
109            DeprecationWarning,
110        )
111        return Markup(pygments.highlight(doc, lexer, formatter))
113    # set up correct line numbers and anchors
114    formatter.linespans = doc.qualname or "L"
115    formatter.linenostart = doc.source_lines[0] + 1 if doc.source_lines else 1
116    return Markup(pygments.highlight(doc.source, lexer, formatter))

Highlight the source code of a documentation object using pygments.

def format_signature(sig: inspect.Signature, colon: bool) -> str:
119def format_signature(sig: inspect.Signature, colon: bool) -> str:
120    """Format and highlight a function signature using pygments. Returns HTML."""
121    # First get a list with all params as strings.
122    result = pdoc.doc._PrettySignature._params(sig)  # type: ignore
123    return_annot = pdoc.doc._PrettySignature._return_annotation_str(sig)  # type: ignore
125    multiline = (
126        sum(len(x) + 2 for x in result) + len(return_annot)
127        > pdoc.doc._PrettySignature.MULTILINE_CUTOFF
128    )
130    def _try_highlight(code: str) -> str:
131        """Try to highlight a piece of code using pygments, but return the input as-is if pygments detects errors."""
132        pretty = pygments.highlight(code, lexer, signature_formatter).strip()
133        if '<span class="err">' not in pretty:
134            return pretty
135        else:
136            return html.escape(code)
138    # Next, individually highlight each parameter using pygments and wrap it in a span.param.
139    # This later allows us to properly control line breaks.
140    pretty_result = []
141    for i, param in enumerate(result):
142        pretty = _try_highlight(param)
143        if multiline:
144            pretty = f"""<span class="param">\t{pretty},</span>"""
145        else:
146            pretty = f"""<span class="param">{pretty}, </span>"""
147        pretty_result.append(pretty)
149    # remove last comma.
150    if pretty_result:
151        pretty_result[-1] = pretty_result[-1].rpartition(",")[0] + "</span>"
153    # Add return annotation.
154    anno = ")"
155    if return_annot:
156        anno += f" -> {_try_highlight(return_annot)}"
157    if colon:
158        anno += ":"
159    if return_annot or colon:
160        anno = f'<span class="return-annotation">{anno}</span>'
162    rendered = "(" + "".join(pretty_result) + anno
164    if multiline:
165        rendered = f'<span class="signature pdoc-code multiline">{rendered}</span>'
166    else:
167        rendered = f'<span class="signature pdoc-code condensed">{rendered}</span>'
169    return Markup(rendered)

Format and highlight a function signature using pygments. Returns HTML.

def to_html(docstring: str) -> str:
173def to_html(docstring: str) -> str:
174    """
175    Convert `docstring` from Markdown to HTML.
176    """
177    # careful: markdown2 returns a subclass of str with an extra
178    # .toc_html attribute. don't further process the result,
179    # otherwise this attribute will be lost.
180    return pdoc.markdown2.markdown(  # type: ignore
181        docstring,
182        extras=markdown_extensions,
183        link_patterns=markdown_link_patterns,
184    )

Convert docstring from Markdown to HTML.

def to_markdown_with_context(context: jinja2.runtime.Context, docstring: str) -> str:
188def to_markdown_with_context(context: Context, docstring: str) -> str:
189    """
190    Converts `docstring` from a custom docformat to Markdown (if necessary), and then from Markdown to HTML.
191    """
192    module: pdoc.doc.Module = context["module"]
193    docformat: str = context["docformat"]
194    return to_markdown(docstring, module, docformat)

Converts docstring from a custom docformat to Markdown (if necessary), and then from Markdown to HTML.

def to_markdown(docstring: str, module: pdoc.doc.Module, default_docformat: str) -> str:
197def to_markdown(docstring: str, module: pdoc.doc.Module, default_docformat: str) -> str:
198    docformat = getattr(module.obj, "__docformat__", default_docformat) or ""
199    return docstrings.convert(docstring, docformat, module.source_file)
def possible_sources( all_modules: Collection[str], identifier: str) -> Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
202def possible_sources(
203    all_modules: Collection[str], identifier: str
204) -> Iterable[tuple[str, str]]:
205    """
206    For a given identifier, return all possible sources where it could originate from.
207    For example, assume `examplepkg._internal.Foo` with all_modules=["examplepkg"].
208    This could be a Foo class in _internal.py, or a nested `class _internal: class Foo` in examplepkg.
209    We return both candidates as we don't know if _internal.py exists.
210    It may not be in all_modules because it's been excluded by `__all__`.
211    However, if `examplepkg._internal` is in all_modules we know that it can only be that option.
213    >>> possible_sources(["examplepkg"], "examplepkg.Foo.bar")
214    examplepkg.Foo, bar
215    examplepkg, Foo.bar
216    """
217    if identifier in all_modules:
218        yield identifier, ""
219        return
221    modulename = identifier
222    qualname = None
223    while modulename:
224        modulename, _, add = modulename.rpartition(".")
225        qualname = f"{add}.{qualname}" if qualname else add
226        yield modulename, qualname
227        if modulename in all_modules:
228            return
229    raise ValueError(f"Invalid identifier: {identifier}")

For a given identifier, return all possible sources where it could originate from. For example, assume examplepkg._internal.Foo with all_modules=["examplepkg"]. This could be a Foo class in _internal.py, or a nested class _internal: class Foo in examplepkg. We return both candidates as we don't know if _internal.py exists. It may not be in all_modules because it's been excluded by __all__. However, if examplepkg._internal is in all_modules we know that it can only be that option.

>>> possible_sources(["examplepkg"], "examplepkg.Foo.bar")
examplepkg.Foo, bar
examplepkg, Foo.bar
def split_identifier(all_modules: Collection[str], fullname: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
232def split_identifier(all_modules: Collection[str], fullname: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
233    """
234    Split an identifier into a `(modulename, qualname)` tuple. For example, `pdoc.render_helpers.split_identifier`
235    would be split into `("pdoc.render_helpers","split_identifier")`. This is necessary to generate links to the
236    correct module.
237    """
238    warnings.warn(
239        "pdoc.render_helpers.split_identifier is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. "
240        "Use pdoc.render_helpers.possible_sources instead.",
241        DeprecationWarning,
242    )
243    *_, last = possible_sources(all_modules, fullname)
244    return last

Split an identifier into a (modulename, qualname) tuple. For example, pdoc.render_helpers.split_identifier would be split into ("pdoc.render_helpers","split_identifier"). This is necessary to generate links to the correct module.

def qualname_candidates(identifier: str, context_qualname: str) -> list[str]:
267def qualname_candidates(identifier: str, context_qualname: str) -> list[str]:
268    """
269    Given an identifier in a current namespace, return all possible qualnames in the current module.
270    For example, if we are in Foo's subclass Bar and `baz()` is the identifier,
271    return `Foo.Bar.baz()`, `Foo.baz()`, and `baz()`.
272    """
273    end = len(context_qualname)
274    ret = []
275    while end > 0:
276        ret.append(f"{context_qualname[:end]}.{identifier}")
277        end = context_qualname.rfind(".", 0, end)
278    ret.append(identifier)
279    return ret

Given an identifier in a current namespace, return all possible qualnames in the current module. For example, if we are in Foo's subclass Bar and baz() is the identifier, return Foo.Bar.baz(), Foo.baz(), and baz().

def module_candidates(identifier: str, current_module: str) -> Iterable[str]:
282def module_candidates(identifier: str, current_module: str) -> Iterable[str]:
283    """
284    Given an identifier and the current module name, return the module names we should look at
285    to find where the target object is exposed. Module names are ordered by preferences, i.e.
286    we always prefer the current module and then top-level modules over their children.
288    >>> module_candidates("foo.bar.baz", "qux")
289    qux
290    foo
291    foo.bar
292    foo.bar.baz
293    >>> module_candidates("foo.bar.baz", "foo.bar")
294    foo.bar
295    foo
296    foo.bar.baz
297    """
298    yield current_module
300    end = identifier.find(".")
301    while end > 0:
302        if (name := identifier[:end]) != current_module:
303            yield name
304        end = identifier.find(".", end + 1)
306    if identifier != current_module:
307        yield identifier

Given an identifier and the current module name, return the module names we should look at to find where the target object is exposed. Module names are ordered by preferences, i.e. we always prefer the current module and then top-level modules over their children.

>>> module_candidates("foo.bar.baz", "qux")
>>> module_candidates("foo.bar.baz", "foo.bar")
def linkify( context: jinja2.runtime.Context, code: str, namespace: str = '', shorten: bool = True) -> str:
311def linkify(
312    context: Context, code: str, namespace: str = "", shorten: bool = True
313) -> str:
314    """
315    Link all identifiers in a block of text. Identifiers referencing unknown modules or modules that
316    are not rendered at the moment will be ignored.
317    A piece of text is considered to be an identifier if it either contains a `.` or is surrounded by `<code>` tags.
319    If `shorten` is True, replace identifiers with short forms where possible.
320    For example, replace "current_module.Foo" with "Foo". This is useful for annotations
321    (which are verbose), but undesired for docstrings (where we want to preserve intent).
322    """
324    def linkify_repl(m: re.Match):
325        """
326        Resolve `text` to the most suitable documentation object.
327        """
328        text = m.group(0)
329        plain_text = text.replace(
330            '</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">', "."
331        )
332        identifier = removesuffix(plain_text, "()")
333        mod: pdoc.doc.Module = context["module"]
335        # Check if this is a relative reference. These cannot be local and need to be resolved.
336        if identifier.startswith("."):
337            taken_from_mod = mod
338            if namespace and (ns := mod.get(namespace)):
339                # Imported from somewhere else, so the relative reference should be from the original module.
340                taken_from_mod = context["all_modules"].get(ns.taken_from[0], mod)
341            if taken_from_mod.is_package:
342                # If we are in __init__.py, we want `.foo` to refer to a child module.
343                parent_module = taken_from_mod.modulename
344            else:
345                # If we are in a leaf module, we want `.foo` to refer to the adjacent module.
346                parent_module = taken_from_mod.modulename.rpartition(".")[0]
347            while identifier.startswith(".."):
348                identifier = identifier[1:]
349                parent_module = parent_module.rpartition(".")[0]
350            identifier = parent_module + identifier
351        else:
352            # Is this a local reference within this module?
353            for qualname in qualname_candidates(identifier, namespace):
354                doc = mod.get(qualname)
355                if doc and context["is_public"](doc).strip():
356                    return f'<a href="#{qualname}">{plain_text}</a>'
358        # Is this a reference pointing straight at a module?
359        if identifier in context["all_modules"]:
360            return f'<a href="{relative_link(context["module"].modulename, identifier)}">{identifier}</a>'
362        try:
363            sources = list(possible_sources(context["all_modules"], identifier))
364        except ValueError:
365            # possible_sources did not find a parent module.
366            return text
368        # Try to find the actual target object so that we can then later verify
369        # that objects exposed at a parent module with the same name point to it.
370        target_object = None
371        for module_name, qualname in sources:
372            if doc := context["all_modules"].get(module_name, {}).get(qualname):
373                target_object = doc.obj
374                break
376        # Look at the different modules where our target object may be exposed.
377        for module_name in module_candidates(identifier, mod.modulename):
378            module: pdoc.doc.Module | None = context["all_modules"].get(module_name)
379            if not module:
380                continue
382            for _, qualname in sources:
383                doc = module.get(qualname)
384                # Check if they have an object with the same name,
385                # and verify that it's pointing to the right thing and is public.
386                if (
387                    doc
388                    and (target_object is doc.obj or target_object is None)
389                    and context["is_public"](doc).strip()
390                ):
391                    if shorten:
392                        if module == mod:
393                            url_text = qualname
394                        else:
395                            url_text = doc.fullname
396                        if plain_text.endswith("()"):
397                            url_text += "()"
398                    else:
399                        url_text = plain_text
400                    return f'<a href="{relative_link(context["module"].modulename, doc.modulename)}#{qualname}">{url_text}</a>'
402        # No matches found.
403        return text
405    return Markup(
406        re.sub(
407            r"""
408            # Part 1: foo.bar or foo.bar() (without backticks)
409            (?<![/=?#&\.])  # heuristic: not part of a URL
410            # First part of the identifier (e.g. "foo") - this is optional for relative references.
411            (?:
412                \b
413                (?!\d)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
414                |
415                \.*  # We may also start with multiple dots.
416            )
417            # Rest of the identifier (e.g. ".bar" or "..bar")
418            (?:
419                # A single dot or a dot surrounded with pygments highlighting.
420                (?:\.|</span><span\ class="o">\.</span><span\ class="n">)
421                (?!\d)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
422            )+
423            (?:\(\)|\b(?!\(\)))  # we either end on () or on a word boundary.
424            (?!</a>)  # not an existing link
425            (?![/#])  # heuristic: not part of a URL
427            | # Part 2: `foo` or `foo()`. `foo.bar` is already covered with part 1.
428            (?<=<code>)
429                 (?!\d)[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
430            (?:\(\))?
431            (?=</code>(?!</a>))
432            """,
433            linkify_repl,
434            code,
435            flags=re.VERBOSE,
436        )
437    )

Link all identifiers in a block of text. Identifiers referencing unknown modules or modules that are not rendered at the moment will be ignored. A piece of text is considered to be an identifier if it either contains a . or is surrounded by <code> tags.

If shorten is True, replace identifiers with short forms where possible. For example, replace "current_module.Foo" with "Foo". This is useful for annotations (which are verbose), but undesired for docstrings (where we want to preserve intent).

def edit_url( modulename: str, is_package: bool, mapping: Mapping[str, str]) -> str | None:
477def edit_url(
478    modulename: str, is_package: bool, mapping: Mapping[str, str]
479) -> str | None:
480    """Create a link to edit a particular file in the used version control system."""
481    for m, prefix in mapping.items():
482        if m == modulename or modulename.startswith(f"{m}."):
483            filename = modulename[len(m) + 1 :].replace(".", "/")
484            if is_package:
485                filename = f"{filename}/__init__.py".lstrip("/")
486            else:
487                filename += ".py"
488            return f"{prefix}{filename}"
489    return None

Create a link to edit a particular file in the used version control system.

def root_module_name(all_modules: Mapping[str, pdoc.doc.Module]) -> str | None:
492def root_module_name(all_modules: Mapping[str, pdoc.doc.Module]) -> str | None:
493    """
494    Return the name of the (unique) top-level module, or `None`
495    if no such module exists.
497    For example, assuming `foo`, `foo.bar`, and `foo.baz` are documented,
498    this function will return `foo`. If `foo` and `bar` are documented,
499    this function will return `None` as there is no unique top-level module.
500    """
501    shortest_name = min(all_modules, key=len, default=None)
502    prefix = f"{shortest_name}."
503    all_others_are_submodules = all(
504        x.startswith(prefix) or x == shortest_name for x in all_modules
505    )
506    if all_others_are_submodules:
507        return shortest_name
508    else:
509        return None

Return the name of the (unique) top-level module, or None if no such module exists.

For example, assuming foo, foo.bar, and foo.baz are documented, this function will return foo. If foo and bar are documented, this function will return None as there is no unique top-level module.

def minify_css(css: str) -> str:
512def minify_css(css: str) -> str:
513    """Do some very basic CSS minification."""
514    css = re.sub(r"[ ]{4}|\n|(?<=[:{}]) | (?=[{}])", "", css)
515    css = re.sub(
516        r"/\*.+?\*/", lambda m: m.group(0) if m.group(0).startswith("/*!") else "", css
517    )
518    return Markup(css.replace("<style", "\n<style"))

Do some very basic CSS minification.

def defuse_unsafe_reprs():
522def defuse_unsafe_reprs():
523    """This decorator is applied by pdoc before calling an object's repr().
524    It applies some heuristics to patch our sensitive information.
525    For example, `os.environ`'s default `__repr__` implementation exposes all
526    local secrets.
527    """
528    with patch.object(os._Environ, "__repr__", lambda self: "os.environ"):
529        yield

This decorator is applied by pdoc before calling an object's repr(). It applies some heuristics to patch our sensitive information. For example, os.environ's default __repr__ implementation exposes all local secrets.

class DefaultMacroExtension(jinja2.ext.Extension):
532class DefaultMacroExtension(ext.Extension):
533    """
534    This extension provides a new `{% defaultmacro %}` statement, which defines a macro only if it does not exist.
536    For example,
538    ```html+jinja
539    {% defaultmacro example() %}
540        test 123
541    {% enddefaultmacro %}
542    ```
544    is equivalent to
546    ```html+jinja
547    {% macro default_example() %}
548    test 123
549    {% endmacro %}
550    {% if not example %}
551        {% macro example() %}
552            test 123
553        {% endmacro %}
554    {% endif %}
555    ```
557    Additionally, the default implementation is also available as `default_$macroname`, which makes it possible
558    to reference it in the override.
559    """
561    tags = {"defaultmacro"}
563    def parse(self, parser):
564        m = nodes.Macro(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
565        name = parser.parse_assign_target(name_only=True).name
566        m.name = f"default_{name}"
567        parser.parse_signature(m)
568        m.body = parser.parse_statements(("name:enddefaultmacro",), drop_needle=True)
570        if_stmt = nodes.If(
571            nodes.Not(nodes.Name(name, "load")),
572            [nodes.Macro(name, m.args, m.defaults, m.body)],
573            [],
574            [],
575        )
576        return [m, if_stmt]

This extension provides a new {% defaultmacro %} statement, which defines a macro only if it does not exist.

For example,

{% defaultmacro example() %}
    test 123
{% enddefaultmacro %}

is equivalent to

{% macro default_example() %}
test 123
{% endmacro %}
{% if not example %}
    {% macro example() %}
        test 123
    {% endmacro %}
{% endif %}

Additionally, the default implementation is also available as default_$macroname, which makes it possible to reference it in the override.

tags = {'defaultmacro'}
def parse(self, parser):
563    def parse(self, parser):
564        m = nodes.Macro(lineno=next(parser.stream).lineno)
565        name = parser.parse_assign_target(name_only=True).name
566        m.name = f"default_{name}"
567        parser.parse_signature(m)
568        m.body = parser.parse_statements(("name:enddefaultmacro",), drop_needle=True)
570        if_stmt = nodes.If(
571            nodes.Not(nodes.Name(name, "load")),
572            [nodes.Macro(name, m.args, m.defaults, m.body)],
573            [],
574            [],
575        )
576        return [m, if_stmt]

If any of the tags matched this method is called with the parser as first argument. The token the parser stream is pointing at is the name token that matched. This method has to return one or a list of multiple nodes.

identifier: ClassVar[str] = 'DefaultMacroExtension'
Inherited Members